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Chasourcing, New York

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Indulge in the rich, aromatic experience of our Keemun Black Tea, a prestigious brew hailing from the Anhui province of China. Renowned for its distinctive, slightly smoky flavor and enchanting aroma of orchids, Keemun is often considered the quintessence of black tea. Each sip unfolds layers of complexity, offering a smooth, deep red infusion with hints of pine, dried fruit, and a lingering sweetness that entices the palate. This tea is celebrated for its unique combination of bright flavor and mellow finish, making it a favorite for both morning routines and afternoon relaxations.
Our Keemun Black Tea not only captivates with its exquisite taste but also provides numerous health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, which help to combat free radicals and support overall health. Additionally, its moderate caffeine content makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a stimulating yet balanced energy boost. Keemun's soothing properties can also aid in reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity, making it a perfect companion for your daily wellness journey. Elevate your tea collection with the sophisticated flavor of Chasourcing’s Keemun Black Tea, and savor a cup of tradition and quality with every brew.

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 Contact person: Chasourcing
 Address: New York, New York

Chasourcing in other states:

New York, NY (New York), Sheridan, WY (Wyoming)


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